During embryonic development, which follows a spiral form, the embryo receives continually forces of heaven crossing the canal spiritual mother entering from the upper magnetic pole located on the top of the skull, the center of the spiral hair . He also receives the forces of expansion of the earth rotation, which forces up by the magnetic pole corresponding lower the genitals of the mother. These two forces carry the embryo from the top and bottom surfaces, creating the vital forces of electromagnetic energy, we call this condition of the electromagnetic charge of the embryo "to be alive".

These two forces combined with the rotational motion of the embryo generate energy from growing inside the embryo into space, forming a field invisible electromagnetic energy around the fetus. This field is loaded into 12 sections by the influence of electromagnetic 12 main meridians that run through the walls of the uterus.

Each of these 12 meridians of the uterus corresponds to the respective 12 meridians superficial mother, and themselves correspond to the atmospheric burden of the earth, influenced by the 12 constellations that revolve around the ellipse land.

These meridians superficial and the constellations they represent are as follows:




  Meridian's Lung


Meridian Gros Intestine


Meridian of the Stomach


Meridian of Rate


Meridian Heart


Meridian Hail to the Intestine


Meridian of the Bladder


Meridian of Kidney


Meridian Master of the Heart


Meridian's Triple Heater


Meridian of the vesicle Biliaire


Meridian's Liver


Between the electromagnetic field that surrounds the embryo, and the very centre of the embryo, there is an exchange in the form of electromagnetic currents invisible progressing spiral from the surface toward the center of the fetus, when he turns on itself of 12 different ways. When they reach the central part of the embryo, these currents invisible each form a spiral. Some are spirals centripetal because of their low speed, and others become centrifugal because of their greater speed. Centrifuges or centripetal, these spirals grow steadily throughout the embryonic period and turn into different functions and organs of the body. The spiral centripetal form the most compact bodies that have a slower motion and centrifugal spiral create bodies that have dilated more movement faster. The bodies that have a compact structure yang and yin slow movement and balance those with a dilated structure yin and yang rapid movement forming pairs. These couples organ and balanced functions are as follows:

Compact Bodies

 Bodies dilated

Movement slow

Rapid Movement

Lungs Rate Kidney and Pancreas Coeur Master Heart Liver

Large Intestine Stomach Intestine Hail Bladder Triple Heater vesicle Biliaire